
Saturday, June 26, 2010

Ruffled Feathers

Blogging has been a little slow lately. It's just too hot to go an explore. After seeing the comments made today it seems I've ruffled some feathers amongst the locals. I personally think it's funny as hell to see people's reaction about my experiences. They seem to think I just want to speak negatively about Kuwait. That's not the case. Hello people!!! It's a blog, which means you write about anything you want. I write about my experiences, KEY WORD: EXPERIENCED.

If I had a KD for every time I was called racist I would be rich. I've written several times, if you don't like what I have to say then don't read it. I had 8 comments today, obviously from local people who seem to be offended by the truth. They respond with anti-American comments and the most common one, "if you don't like it leave". No I think I will stay and make your lives miserable. Truth hurts I guess. Some of them must be hitting the E because they seem to be hallucinating about my topics. One guy went off about the government schools, I never said Kuwaitis don't graduate.

I was going to write about something else but the mentality of these people baffles me. I read things I don't agree with but I don't go and attack the writer because I wasn't in their shoes. I don't even write things I really want to say because of the country's censorship. There's no freedom of speech here. Ask the Kuwaiti journalist guy who's in jail for writing his opinion. If I really wrote what I thought I might have an angry mob searching for me. Once again for those who call me racist and barbaric and madri shino, your comments don't bother me. I've been in Kuwait for over 6 years and have lost all sensitivity to verbal assaults.

I've developed a thick skin since being here and I know the kind of people behind these comments and in reality I don't care. I publish all comments both good and bad. I'm not afraid of criticism. Here are a few comments made today. I got tired of looking for all of them so here's a couple lovely comments.Fact is I love stepping on people's toes and getting a reaction.

Everyone of them is anonymous of course.

1.There is nothing wrong with government hospitals. Hate these fucking Westerners who view Arabs are sub humans lacking brains. Fuck off if you don't like our country. My ancestors worked their asses off for the new population to get treated when unhealthy. ''These so-called doctors''-no they are certified doctors. Fuck off, asses. You don't like Kuwait? Leave then. No one is forcing you to stay and further destroy the country. I hate hearing all of those Westerners complain on and on about Kuwait. If you don't like it, LEAVE! It's called freedom of movement.

2.How the hell are all of the posts purely opinion and not meant to harm anyone?All of your posts are offensive.

3.''The kids who go to government school are hardly given a chance to succeed in life. Why doesn't the Ministry focus on education?''
I went to government school, it was easy for me to succeed because I was educated at a government school. Your moronic attempts to depict government schools as inferior, base schools are amusing. Children who attend government schools have just as much chances as succeeding. You do not know how government schools are because you have never attended them nor taught at one. There is nothing wrong with government schools and the majority of high school Kuwaiti graduates who end up attending Western universities getting degrees in Sciences are government school graduates. My mother worked her ass off for 17 years to attend Nottingham University...Government schools and the test results from government schools are much higher than those of private schools, especially when comparing government school's secondary test results to those of British schools.
Children in government schools perform better than children in private English schools. And who said Kuwaitis don't graduate from high school? Almost 100% of the current adult population of Kuwait have a high school degree. I have no idea where you are obtaining your ''information'' from, I find it hard to believe Kuwaitis don't graduate from high school. Government schools and the students in them are competitive, their averages are exceeding 90% unlike private schools and what I am curious about is why you believe Kuwait isn't offering their children an opportunity to succeed. All of the adults around me have graduated from high school and university, all of the current teenagers are on their way to graduating. I have never met a Kuwaiti who hasn't graduated from high school.Maybe the lower class 'trophy wives' is what you're referring to. As a whole, Kuwaitis do graduate from high school and university. I didn't grow up in a professional family, my parents do all work and all of my friends, relatives, distant relatives, and my whole family has graduated from high school and university.
The government requires males to complete high school in order to formally apply to the military, it is a requirement. Kuwaitis can't just not graduate from high school and obtain a job with a good real solid salary. Those who become high school drop outs end up being paid little and most of the times hoping for marriage to a man with a good solid salary, these are known as trophy wives (not by the men, they don't have to be attractive, they just need to conform to society). No one in Kuwait can get a real high salary without graduating high school and university. It's a social taboo to not graduate from high school. Getting 60% in government schools is the equivalence of 'F' there, and is very rare. While at English schools like Gulf English School, getting 50% is the top grade in the class.
No one can achieve 90% these days at the private schools my children are enrolled at, the majority of which are very well known and respectable. Government schools are doing better than private schools, that is an established fact.I don't understand why Westerners often perceive Kuwait as a third-world, barbaric country.What on earth is going on here? If you don't like this country, just leave. No one is stopping you or anyone else from leaving.
The ministry does focus immensely on education. The government of Kuwait is focusing on education more than anything else. If they hire Westerners to teach, what jobs will the Arabs have? Arabs are poorer than Westerns, fact. In government schools, Arab teachers are respected. In private schools, they are not. In government schools, Arabic teachers are feared and highly respected. In private schools they are not because private schools hire any Arab to teach Arabic and religion. Private schools are weaker in discipline than government schools.

4.Anonymous said...
Kuwait is a first world country

I love blogging. I can debate from the comfort of my house instead of going out and dealing with it. Keep up the comments everyone! Hehehe!
Thanks out to those people who understand what writing is all about and don't take opinions to heart. Relax and chill people, life's too short to be angry.


  1. There's freedom of speech in Kuwait. I write anti-Kuwait and anti-Islamic comments all the time all over the internet, watch at full live sex online, flip the bird in malls, cinemas and restaurants... I also watch offensive television shows such as Skins, where drugs, cussing, orgies and full nudity are unambiguously common throughout the course of the television series. The country has never ever censored the nudity in the series, or the extensive drug use, or the homosexuality, or the sexual intercourse, or the orgies, or the lengthy french kissing, or the content in the show that may be deemed offensive to millions OF Muslims. 'May be deemed'=not.

    I also watch several other provocative shows, here in Kuwait, on a weekly basis. Heck, there are sites sponsored by Kuwait and owned by Kuwaitis; Youtube-like sites, that have these shows, racy content and porn.

    Never ever been arrested or reported, because it aint a crime. I also flip the bird where police officers are present.. Moreover, I've had long making out sessions in the car numerous times, no one's ever objected that! also seen numerous people make out in front of me in public areas.

    Funny how I've never been arrested, ah? I also additionally write for a news site opinionated articles regarding Kuwait, the government has never objected my hatred towards them nor have they ever objected my strong desire to destroy the Western camps in Kuwait and bomb the oil fields.. wow. So no, freedom of speech does exist, hun, as much as it does in Canada and the US. But slightly lower, since we can't go around nude in the streets and we can't drink beer in public. Beer is a statement, a silent statement which absolves our sins!

    Oh and I forgot to mention how in actual British schools in Kuwait, there are students making out in the playgrounds. My cousin was seen french kissing a girl for fun, the teachers spotted him but didn't care.

    I watch music videos that contain sex and nudity online on Youtube, no one has ever censored that. No one has also censored the porno online on youtube or the anti Islamic youtube videos or the immensely vigorously offensive articles I wrote, it's not even blocked or anything. No one has also ever censored the sh*t I get up to online or the anti-Kuwait sites and articles all over the net and the comments against Saudi Arabia, Oman, and other damned Gulf countries. They don't even care when I make fun of the Emir and Bush anc call them 'homos'. I write whatever I want to write, whenever and don't get any objection or blocks.

    Maybe I'm just lucky to live in a country, where my cousins can make out with others in public places like schools.. I wonder what the punishment is for making out in schools in the UK.. I hear detention. Here, at Gulf Eng School, you can make out without punishment. Don't know if you still can, though. I'm also a big critic of Islam, publicly. No one's ever objected.

    All of the boldly ''offensive'' sites to the whole human race and all of the Abrahamic religions, have never been blocked by my internet provider.

    Kuwait sucks.

  2. To comment #1 about westerners treating arabs as sub-par, that is not true because you guys are too arrogant to let anyone talk to you, befriend you or help you. And don't throw the stone first. Look at yourself and see how you treat the people from India, Shri Lanka, the Philippines etc...who raise your children, clean your house & service your every need. It might not be you specifically, but there are others of your culture who hold their passports, beat & rape their maids and give a sub-par standard of living. Modern day slavery. You have no innocent finger to point.

    And as far as leaving the country, that's just an ignorant comment. You need us just as much as we need you. It's a partnership with no one country needing one more than the other. Get over yourselves!!!

  3. Well, sorry but I do think you're racist. You don't give other colors a chance, that white typing with black background is sure killing my eyes:) I still see lines after leaving the page :)

  4. Hi there, I am an american living in Kuwait and agree with everything you are saying. I just wanted to give you a tip. I think you should say everything you really want to say without being prosecuted by Kuwait anti freedom of speech laws. Readers like myself want to hear the real truth of what you want to say Good/Bad. So in turn log into your blog with an anonomous proxy or vpn/tunnel so you can't be traced. Keep up the good blogs.

  5. The truth will set you free. I love your blog. The point is that it's your blog and you can do whatever you want to with it. Girl Power!!! :D

  6. Ok here I come....this is for #3 you talk so highly of government schools then you turn around and say that your "kids" are in private school? I find that quote you "In government schools, Arabic teachers are feared and highly respected"??? Why would "good" teachers be feared? And you call yourself a "first world country"? Wake up people...the school's both private and public need help in Kuwait, starting with qualified teachers and administration be it Kuwaiti or American...dont get me started about how so many of the boys in Kuwait have been molested in the government schools...I am terrified to let my grandson..who by the way is a "first class" Kuwaiti....attend government schools and even the private schools in Kuwait are not even close to the free public schools in the States, and dont tell me to go back to the States....I am in Kuwait to it or leave it...and I will continue to tell anyone that will listen....about my opinion...umm just a thought....:}

  7. This is for #1 to qoute you " My ancestors worked their asses off" so..since most of the doctors in Kuwait are Indian,Egyptian, Pakistani, which one of them are you? And I have a question for you, if the government hosptials in Kuwait are so good, why dont the rich people use them? Why do they all fly to London for even a cold? We are not complaining but heck clean the places up a little, hire some educated Dr.'s who dont give you Panadol for every disease under the sun...if you have cancer take a Panadol, if you have high blood pressure, take a Panadol...if you have a bump on your head, take a Panadol...and whats up with the nurses asking "Are you paining?" oh my GOD..its "Are you hurting? or do you have any pain?" Learn proper English plzzzzzzzz! And why do they call all the nurses "SISTERS" come on guys that went out years ago when the first hospital was a Catholic church and all the nurses were nuns, therefore called "sisters"!!!

  8. For the genius that said "There is nothing wrong with government hospitals. Hate these fucking Westerners who view Arabs are sub humans lacking brains. Fuck off if you don't like our country."
    If the shoe fits .....wear it. In other words when you WRITE like a sub human lacking brains people will think you are sub human lacking brains. Way to represent Kuwait smart guy.

  9. My Response To the end of comment #3 "In government schools, Arabic teachers are feared and highly respected."
    Fear= the emotion experienced in the presence or threat of danger.
    Parents respect them cuz they scare their kids into behaving because they have a lack of discipline from home. If children were taught to respect ALL NATIONALITIES they wouldn't give their Egyptian or Syrian etc. teachers a hard time. Instead kids are taught in school by foriegners who don't respect Kuwait or Kuwaities and the FEAR you are talking about is instilled in them by being to scared to say anything or do anything they might get in trouble for. As a child sitting in a classroom what must it feel like knowing you will get cussed, ears squeezed, smacked, pushed, pinched or kicked (anything that won't leave a mark) by the only adult in your world at that moment in time. Not to mention that you have to go through this everyday for the rest of the school year. I don't know about other places but that is illegal in the United States. I am not saying whose better or worse but there is a big difference in ARAB and WESTERN ideals when it comes to teaching. ARAB teachers smack their kids around and talk talk talk to force them to memorize information for exams. CRAM CRAM CRAM take the exam.......A few days later info. forgotten because it was stored in short term memory just to get through the test.
    Westerners teach based on individual needs and expectations. Information is given in many different ways to make sure all students are learning the best way possible for them. A good teacher doesn't just stand in front of the class and talk. Discipline is focused on and everyone follows the same rules. Of course that's in the States cuz Kuwaities won't let westerneres really follow their own school rules. It has to be "Wasta" friendly.
    You mentioned:
    "No one can achieve 90% these days at the private schools my children are enrolled at, the majority of which are very well known and respectable."
    Obviously you must not be to happy with government schools otherwise your children would be going to them.
    That's what kills me about people in this country. Doesn't anyone realize that the people with the money who are calling the shots and making the decisions for our future are the same people who are paying for fancy private schools and traveling abroad for medical services or staying in posh private hospitals? These are the same people that say government schools are great and government hospitals are wonderful among other politics I'm not going to get into. WAKE UP KUWAITIES! People are pulling the wool over your eyes....

  10. on a lighter note.. can you do an article on the english fm stations here... geez... i can't take it anymore and leaving here is too heavy a price to pay!
    why does the morning show cater to 8 year olds.... what about adults? the evening show.. ..thats monologue overdose...
    can't they have shows that cater to different groups during different times of the day..pop. rock... country... etc etc? perhaps a chart show.. ...and better news readers or is that asking too much?

  11. Abdulla, if you don't like it don't read it. I don't force anyone to read what I write but it's your curiosity that brings you here. I hope the whiteness of my blog blinds you for days to come. Trust me I've been wanting to write about 99.7 for years after having to listen to cupcake on bus 4 saying hi to fruitsalad on bus 6 everday. I don't know what happened to it honestly. Now Linda has a side kick who thinks he's cool but he's not funny and irritating especially when he's playing music from the 80's. gag.

  12. ...Linda's sidekick.. don't even start.. that dude is classic " know.. you know... you know what i mean.. like.. know"
    ...a perpetual never ending run of depressing monologues narrated in a single pitch...backed by equally depressing play lists...

    earth to 99.7 fm - please come home.

  13. I've been here for 14 years and the amount of hatred in Kuwait seems to be on the rise. I don't really understand why. People are concentrating on name-calling and not concentrating on tolerance or even agreeing to disagree. It makes me sad because I don't believe it is the true spirit of Kuwait.

  14. I am a kuwaiti and i support you and you are right about everything you wrote .. and to all the kuwaitis please stop the BS .. our schools are as bad as Bangladesh or pakistan and the kuwaiti teachers are the worst... my kids in privet school and my nephews in government schools and i am not talking about aljahra or sulaibekhat schools !!! i am talking about alnuzha and shameya government schools... believe me they are in bad bad shape.

    our hospitals for minor flu or so ..

    we treat Indians and asian workers like shit and give them peanuts, and if any kuwaiti can tell me why we pay a kuwaiti teacher 1.200 KD and for an Egyptian teacher only 400 KD !!!!! and you expect a world class education !!!!

    If that isn't racism then what !!!!!!!!

    for everyone who call them selfs Kuwaitis please stop being stupid and open your mind for the truth .. we are in a bad shape in health care and in education and definitely we are the worse in respect other humans.

    our Family been in kuwait more than 200 years and they worked hard but they wasn't racists as we are now... kuwait is in danger not because our oil will run out in 15 or 20 years it because people like you who see them selfs above all just because you are kuwaiti and have money.

    Wake up

  15. Abdulla ..... Kuwaities are just as racist as anyone else. That's the problem with Kuwaiti mentality and it's only getting worse. Kuwaities don't just cuss the bad driver they have to add the nationality. Like "F-ing Hindi" or "Stupid Masri" "Damn Bangali" and the kids pick up on it and think they are better than everyone else because mommy and daddy are constantly talking down and belittling every other nationality around them.
    I can't wait for the day when Kuwaities quit being so defensive and actually stop and LISTEN to someone else. We obviously love Kuwait as a country or we wouldn't be living here but it's the Kuwaiti mentality that's ruining everything.
    I don't have to throw away my garbage....KAyFY KUWAITI! I can drive like a maniac and run people off the road....KAyFY KUWAITI! I can get out of whatever problem i have made because of who my Daddy knows....KAyFY KUWAITI! I don't have to wait in line like everyone else....KAyFY KUWAITI! I can make nasty comments, follow and bother young girls and women.......KAyFY KUWAITI! To make a long story short consider the "negativity" as constructive criticism. Oh....but i forgot Kuwiaties are perfect and don't need to improve on anything to better the future of the country. Here's the kicker........i can say all of this and mean everyword of it from the bottom of my heart cuz guess what???
    KAyFY! KUWAITIA!!!!!(I'm Kuwaiti.)

  16. OK now wait a minute, what's wrong with music from the 80's huh? I agree Linda needs help, and please kill the teeny booper crap in the morning, it's hard enough to drive on the streets of Kuwait at 6am without hearing all that...and Crazy I think it was PoonTang and Spoonhead...that was who "it" was going out know the "homies"?

  17. Jealousy.. jealousy. LOL!

    youtube sucks hard. can't find my favourite tune.

  18. I'm a Kuwaiti, I have a best friend from a Western country. My mom is Kuwaiti, she has best friends from Western countries. My family &&& friends are friends with Westerners.

    Congratulations you have won
    It is a year subscription of bad puns
    And a make-shift story of concern
    And to set it up, before it burns
    My opinions. Mmm. Mmm.

    Well there seems to be a problem here
    When the scale of emotions seems too clear
    Now They rise and fall like wall street stock
    And they have an affect on our peace talk

    Our opinions. Mmm. Mmm.
    My opinions. Mmm. Mmm. (x3)

    Congratulations you have won
    It's a year subscription of bad puns
    And a make-shift story of concern
    And you set it up, before it burns

    Our opinions. Mmm. Mmm.
    Your opinions. Mmm. Mmm. (x3)
    My opinions. Mmm. Mmm

    Everyone has an opinion. Everyone's opinion is always right. To them.

    I think everyone is racist, has always been and will always be. It's just human nature. Americans, Englanders, Kuwaitis, there all the same. In a couple of years, Kuwait is going to be a filthy poor country again.

    Oh and my KUWAITI ancestors did work their assess off selling candy and pearls in the middle of the unpaved 'streets' for 10 hours in front of the hot, blazing sun. In the end, my grandfather became a businessman, my other relatives became private doctors and surgeons. I don't understand why you'll are saying why aren't there any Kuwaiti doctors. NEWS FLASH, there are. There aren't that many Kuwaitis to begin with. There are more expatriates and permanent foreigners in Kuwait than actual Kuwaitis (the Kuwaiti population just became 1 million+), there are way more foreigners in Kuwait than Kuwaitis. Now to think of it, every Kuwait isn't going to become a doctor. Kuwaitis are small, they aren't all going to become doctors and Kuwaiti doctors do work in government hospitals.

    Kuwait initially allowed lots of foreigners come in Kuwait because there were barely any Kuwaitis (1960s-1990s). The population of Kuwait before the foreigners was really small.... it wasn't even 1 million.

    You all can shit all you want on Kuwait. No one really cares. The government doesn't give a fuck. My uncle wrote a 'anti-Kuwait/US/UN/UK article last week in a national newspaper, guess what? the government doesn't care nor will it ever. On television, there are Kuwaitis shitting on the Kuwaiti government on Kuwaiti channels. Result=no one cares. The viewers like what they're hearing. Criticism is fucking amazing to everyone.

    NIRVANA FOREVER! peace, love!

  19. "No one can achieve 90% these days at the private schools my children are enrolled at, the majority of which are very well known and respectable."
    Obviously you must not be to happy with government schools otherwise your children would be going to them.
    That's what kills me about people in this country. Doesn't anyone realize that the people with the money who are calling the shots and making the decisions for our future are the same people who are paying for fancy private schools and traveling abroad for medical services or staying in posh private hospitals? These are the same people that say government schools are great and government hospitals are wonderful among other politics I'm not going to get into. WAKE UP KUWAITIES! People are pulling the wool over your eyes....





  20. I'm an American woman, lived in Kuwait for the past 6 years, recently married a Kuwaiti man. I am incredibly Westernized -- he's incredibly bedu. We are like night and day. However, we respect and learn from the differences between us. One day I will be headless and he will be zibless.

    Far too often I see Americans saying Kuwaitis aren't social, friendly, or generous. This is the complete opposite of what I've experienced. I believe these characteristics come from a person's values, and not their jinsiya.

    Additionally, I notice someone says 'they should learn English' referring to the Nurses in the local government hospitals. Why? Kuwait's official language is Arabic. If you want an English speaking Nurse, pay and go to an American or International clinic.

    Also, the 'raping of the maid' and other comments relating to that are untrue for the most part. Sure, it happens, but it's not as common as little Mary The Runaway Maid wants you Western men to believe.

    On the other hand, I know many Kuwaiti men (and women) who do immediately judge Westerners and would never consider giving them a chance. I have Kuwaiti female friends who want nothing to do with my American female friends because they see them as 'whores' and fear they will shame them in public because of the clothes, or the big wild hair, etc. In reality I know just as many niqabis who jump from man to man as Western women. The difference is, Western women are allowed to leave the home and don't have to have a 'telephone relationship'. I also know many Kuwaiti men who make statements like 'introduce me to your friends, but tell them I will never marry them because they have sex with too many men.' Were they keeping count? Why assume because a woman is a Westerner she has no self respect?

    In the end, it's all about respect. If you're a Westerner living in Kuwait make an attempt to learn the culture. Don't just force your Western views and thoughts on others and assume you're right. Unless it's your blog, then by all means, express those opinions! And if you're Kuwaiti and find yourself tired of having to look at every fake blonde with hair extensions running through Kuwait -- just remember, there's probably a white heart under all the 'yellow hair'. Take the time to find out.

  21. Well you totally confused me now cuz in the other post you wrote your kids are in private school:
    "No one can achieve 90% these days at the PRIVATE SCHOOLS MY CHILDREN ARE ENROLLED AT, the majority of which are very well known and respectable."
    (That's why i thought your kids were in PRIVATE school. If you love government school so much i was surprised to see your kids were in private school.)
    And then you shouted that your kids are in government school:

    Whatever it doesn't matter because i specifically said "I am not saying whose better or worse but there is a big difference in ARAB and WESTERN ideals when it comes to teaching."
    Anyway you want to look at it, private or government, EDUCATION IN KUWAIT SUCKS. Private schools are just trying to make money and government schools are so old and out dated and the people who are supposed to fix things are old and dont understand the new age of technology and styles of teaching. When it comes down to it there's plenty of money but no one knows what to do with it.

    The point of my post was to talk about the different styles of teaching. Not about you or your kids.
    There we go with the same Kuwaiti mentality the world revolves around me, me , meeeeeeeeee.
    The post are about meeeee, I have to defend myself because the post are attacking meeeeeeeeeeee. I have to use bad words and i can't have an adult conversation because the evil posts are gona get meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
    Get off it man. The blogosphere doesn't revolve around uuuuuuuuuu.

  22. Anonymous you are totaling confusing are your kids in a private school or a government school? You said you kids first language is NOT arabic but then you say you are a Kuwaiti? And do you really have to keep saying "fuck" cuz thats not really a polite way to talk to people...and we are all just discussing...and why dont you use your real nick..unless your scared...? Just a thought..

  23. AmericangirlinKuwait you said
    "One day I will be headless and he will be zibless."
    We all know any new language someone is learning the first thing we learn is the curse words. ARABS in general think it's funny to teach Westereners especially the women bad words and laugh like hell when they say them. Just so you know that word is extremely duragatory and is not a joke. If you translate curse words into English it is hilarious but unfortunately the meaning and power of the insult is lost in translation. I was shocked when I really started understanding the meaning of Arabic and realized how BIG an insult some of the curse words really are.
    I'm sure you didn't mean it that way but I just wanted to give you a heads-up before people start bad mouthing the trashy western lady that speaks like a truck driver. They, of course, wouldn't blame the people that teach westerners the nasty words to begin with.

  24. AmericanGirl I assume you have blonde hair? An who the heck says we are Western Men?

  25. ''Anonymous you are totaling confusing are your kids in a private school or a government school? You said you kids first language is NOT arabic but then you say you are a Kuwaiti? And do you really have to keep saying "fuck" cuz thats not really a polite way to talk to people...and we are all just discussing...and why dont you use your real nick..unless your scared...? Just a thought..''

    Just a though here, my children's first language is not Arabic and they are Kuwaiti.

    Is there anything wrong with that?
    Not every Kuwaiti's first language is Arabic. Ignorance must truly be a blessing to you, desert_connections.

    And I will continue saying ''fuck'' as much as I would like to.

  26. Whatever Q8:


    I wrote that by accident. If you first language is not Arabic you cannot go to government school. I do love government schools, but my kids can't go to them because they will fail everything considering every subject in government schools is taught in Arabic except for English, the lesson.

    I do love government schools.
    Private schools are trash.

  27. On the other hand, I know many Kuwaiti men (and women) who do immediately judge Westerners and would never consider giving them a chance. I have Kuwaiti female friends who want nothing to do with my American female friends because they see them as 'whores' and fear they will shame them in public because of the clothes, or the big wild hair, etc. In reality I know just as many niqabis who jump from man to man as Western women. The difference is, Western women are allowed to leave the home and don't have to have a 'telephone relationship'. I also know many Kuwaiti men who make statements like 'introduce me to your friends, but tell them I will never marry them because they have sex with too many men.' Were they keeping count? Why assume because a woman is a Westerner she has no self respect?

    In the end, it's all about respect. If you're a Westerner living in Kuwait make an attempt to learn the culture. Don't just force your Western views and thoughts on others and assume you're right. Unless it's your blog, then by all means, express those opinions! And if you're Kuwaiti and find yourself tired of having to look at every fake blonde with hair extensions running through Kuwait -- just remember, there's probably a white heart under all the 'yellow hair'. Take the time to find out.
    There are lots of Kuwaiti girls with wild hair and in the same attire Westerners are in...

    I don't see many Kuwaitis veiled and cloaked these days. It's only the Islamic Revolution in Iran during the 1980s that influenced the dominant Kuwaiti Iranian ethnic group to be veiled. I remember before the Islamic Revolution, most women in Kuwait barely wore a hijab. I remember my grandmother was always in shorts, then the Islamic Revolution influenced her relatives and friends in Iran so she began wearing the hijab.

    Other than that, I agree.

    Judgmental Kuwaiti women are just like judgmental Americans.. there is not a difference between them. Peace.

  28. @Whatever -- I am fully aware the words do not always translate exactly, and some are MUCH worse than anything we say in English. However, I have found it to be just the opposite -- the bad words are almost NEVER taught, especially to a woman. It's highly disrespectful to even say some words (K.I. for instance) in a woman's presence. So the knowledge I have of the 'bad words' come from female friends... not the men. If, however, you were offended, please accept my most sincere apology.

    @Desert -- I am a Muslim American with brown hair. No one implied you are a Westerner. I would never assume.

    @Anonymous -- You're soooo right, there are many Kuwaiti women who are equally as bad as some of the Western women which is why the judgement confuses me. However, I was referring to the Arab niqabi, not necessarily the Persian.

  29. All schools in Kuwait are trash...

  30. Crazy, your awesome. Keep at it. Though I'd love to know what thoughts you're withholding from us due to censorship.

    - A Kuwaiti who values free speech.

  31. I didn't read the comments until now, checking the blogs on my laptop while working on my tan :) life is good

    Anyways, I really don't understand why you came at me like this when in fact I was making an innocent joke about your blog colors. But I guess in the end it's your sandbox.

    I know my presence won't add/take value from your blog when I say, you've lost a follower, as it's difficult for one to come where one isn't welcomed.

    I wish you (and the readers) all the best.

  32. I say let them eat their sand, and drink their oil..... first day here I could tell the kind of animals I was dealing with. You people should honestly learn how to drive, my God people my daughter is 7 years old and she drives with more common sense then these animals.I was at the store the other day where I asked a woman a simple question about a price on an item, she just turned and walked away. You people are so damn rude. I happen to be a big muscular guy I was driving the other day and someone almost hit my car, I flipped him off so he stops and looks at me all crazy. I got out of my car and the guy got scared and just left. I heard that kuwaiti people cant fight they only know how to slap like little girls, or hit with shoes. is this true? LOL

  33. I LOVE KUWAIT, but HATE KUWAITIS. My family has been here since 35 years, and all we've seen is Kuwaiti hatred for us. Kuwaitis are the most racist creatures God made. They love making fun of all foreigners, depending on how poor or rich the country is.

    "Shunu jinseetik???" (What is ur nationality?)

    Your answer sets the course of your fate, whether its medicine, job, parking ticket, customs, immigration, ministries!

    We work. Kuwaitis colleagues stay at home, go to gyms, get there cars washed and chill out doing nuisance on the streets. AND THEY GET PROMOTIONS... we dont!!

    For the past 10 years, i've devoted myself to get out of this hell!

    Please DO NOT COME HERE if u haven't!!!!

    I hope and i pray that some earth-quake or tsunami wipe this shit of the world map asap INSHALLAH!!! even if it take me!



Comments are welcome! Personal attacks are not. Thanks!