Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Frozen street Cleaners
I often see a truck full of street cleaners on my way to work. The truck has an open bed so the workers are huddled in the back trying to stay warm. There must be about 40 of them in the back of the truck at any time. I thought it was really sad this morning as some of them were wearing plastic garbage bags on their heads trying to keep warm. That is really sad.
Monday, February 27, 2012
Kuwait's Celebrations
Do the children really know what these days of celebration are? I wonder how many children would really know what they are celebrating?
National Day celebrates independence of Kuwait from Britain in 1961 and the reign of Sheikh Abdullah Al Salim Al Sabah, the Emir who guided Kuwait during this transformation and who earned the moniker “Father of the Constitution.”
Liberation Day celebrates the liberation of Kuwait by multi-national forces from a 7 month occupation by Iraq, February 26, 1991. Over 1,400 Kuwaiti citizens died during the occupation and 605 POWs. I wonder if the new generation know the details of what happened and that they should truly be celebrating independace rather than fighting and abusing people on the streets.
During my first visit to Kuwait in 2003 the celebrations were really nice and not too violent. A few years ago I got sprayed in the face with foam when I got out to clean my windshield after a punk kid lifted my wipers and sprayed the whole car with foam. I really didn't think they would have attacked me when I tried to clean the windshield so I could drive.
My mom and kids were attacked one year when some punk kids opened the door of the car and sprayed them in their faces. There is no way to get out of traffic either one you get in the middle of it. My mom's husband works in security and told my mom they received dozens of calls from people stuck in the parking lot of the Avenues. They were almost crying because they had been stuck in traffic for 3 hours trying to get out.
I saw pictures of parades and people really celebrating on Mark's blog. The old days were so much calmer and had true meaning. Trying to protect the new generation from the past has led to them going wild with no rules. The kids of today are so mean and hateful and don't respect anyone, not even their parents. The escalating rapes, violence and kidnappings is really scary.
I think two days off is enough, anything more than that causes problems. The rich travel out of Kuwait, the smart people stay home and the out of control ones are in the streets messing with innocent people. All the kids know is that they have a lot of days off from school and they get to go out and spray people with water.
I pray for those who lost their lives during the war. What would they think of the new generation?
National Day celebrates independence of Kuwait from Britain in 1961 and the reign of Sheikh Abdullah Al Salim Al Sabah, the Emir who guided Kuwait during this transformation and who earned the moniker “Father of the Constitution.”
Liberation Day celebrates the liberation of Kuwait by multi-national forces from a 7 month occupation by Iraq, February 26, 1991. Over 1,400 Kuwaiti citizens died during the occupation and 605 POWs. I wonder if the new generation know the details of what happened and that they should truly be celebrating independace rather than fighting and abusing people on the streets.
During my first visit to Kuwait in 2003 the celebrations were really nice and not too violent. A few years ago I got sprayed in the face with foam when I got out to clean my windshield after a punk kid lifted my wipers and sprayed the whole car with foam. I really didn't think they would have attacked me when I tried to clean the windshield so I could drive.
My mom and kids were attacked one year when some punk kids opened the door of the car and sprayed them in their faces. There is no way to get out of traffic either one you get in the middle of it. My mom's husband works in security and told my mom they received dozens of calls from people stuck in the parking lot of the Avenues. They were almost crying because they had been stuck in traffic for 3 hours trying to get out.
I saw pictures of parades and people really celebrating on Mark's blog. The old days were so much calmer and had true meaning. Trying to protect the new generation from the past has led to them going wild with no rules. The kids of today are so mean and hateful and don't respect anyone, not even their parents. The escalating rapes, violence and kidnappings is really scary.
I think two days off is enough, anything more than that causes problems. The rich travel out of Kuwait, the smart people stay home and the out of control ones are in the streets messing with innocent people. All the kids know is that they have a lot of days off from school and they get to go out and spray people with water.
I pray for those who lost their lives during the war. What would they think of the new generation?
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Kuwait is so Overcrowded
I remember the good ole' days of Kuwait when I used to make it to Fintas from Salmiya in 15 minutes. These days you can't get out of the parking lot in 15 minutes. This picture was from my trip to Sabah hospital to visit the babies. At 2 p.m. on Thursday it was bumper to bumper and took me over an hour to get to Fintas area. This is the main reason why I don't venture out anymore. I read somewhere there is over 1,500,000 cars on the road and each year thousands more are added.
Isn't it time to close the Kuwaiti doors?

Friday, February 24, 2012
Kuwait Concours 2012 Pictures
We finally made it to the car show even if it was on the last day. Traffice was a nightmare of course but we got lucky and found a great parking space. It was awesome! I just love the mix of old and new, especially the Phantom, that's my favorite car besides Murcielago. The first section was great but walking in Marina Crescent was awful as the crowds of people were everywhere.
Not easy to walk with strollers and little ones through the wave of people. This is the first public event I have gone to in years. I would like to attend more but Kuwait has become overcrowded and it's hard to enjoy anything with people pushing and shoving.
Overall it was a great event. As we were leaving the winds started to pick up, messing up some of the displays. Definitely time to go!

Not easy to walk with strollers and little ones through the wave of people. This is the first public event I have gone to in years. I would like to attend more but Kuwait has become overcrowded and it's hard to enjoy anything with people pushing and shoving.
Overall it was a great event. As we were leaving the winds started to pick up, messing up some of the displays. Definitely time to go!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Degrees of belonging in Kuwait
I always here about the different levels of Kuwaiti citizens but never fully understood it. This looks really interesting....
I know it's different classes with "original" families being the top and another level for those that have been granted citizenship. So much more to learn about Kuwait....
I miss Cafe Du Monde
With all this talk of Mardi Gras and Louisiana I remember the days of my childhood when we used to pile into the car and drive to New Orleans from Pensacola. I knew the first stop was Cafe Du Monde for their beignets. The powder sugar got all over your face, clothes and hands. I also remember collecting masks from each visit to add to my collection at home.
When I was back in Pensacola last year I found a little tiny portable kitchen in the parking lot of a Technical School with huge letters spelling out beignets. I took a sharp turn right up to the window. I placed my order and within minutes I had hot fresh beignets. YUM!!!! Of course I ate them immediately ending up with powdered sugar everywhere, from my clothes to the backseat of the car but it was worth it.
It took me back to those days as a child being with my parents. I took some home to my kids and told them about my family trips to Louisiana. I had only had beignets one other time in California at the French restaurant in Downtown Disney. It wasn't even close to New Orleans.
Monday, February 20, 2012
iPad 3 set for March 7 launch ?
iPad 3 set for March 7 launch - Personal Tech - ArabianBusiness.com:
Apple's new and improved iPad 3 may be launched as soon as 7th March, according to Sky News.
According to industry sources, the next-generation device will have a clearer screen, faster processor, more memory and better internet connectivity than the iPad 2.
It is rumoured that the iPad 3 has a 2048x1536 pixel display - called 'Retina' as the pixel density makes it impossible for the naked eye to distinguish between individual pixels and gives it a sharper look - twice the resolution of the iPad 2 models. The iPad 3 is said to have twice the memory of the last iPad with 128GB.
The next-generation device will also contain an A6 quad-core chip allowing it to run much faster than the A5 dual-core processor in the current version, and will be able to run on 4G networks.
4G is designed to offer at least 100 mega-bits per second (Mbps) of information to be transferred as opposed to 3G which can be as slow as 3.84 Mbps.
Several online technology news sites have said the launch date is set for March 7, and the Yerba Buena Center in San Francisco where Apple's late founder Steve Jobs unveiled the iPad 2 last March is free on the day.
Apple has not confirmed the rumours, but its stock leapt above the $500 mark on Monday.
Apple's new and improved iPad 3 may be launched as soon as 7th March, according to Sky News.
According to industry sources, the next-generation device will have a clearer screen, faster processor, more memory and better internet connectivity than the iPad 2.
It is rumoured that the iPad 3 has a 2048x1536 pixel display - called 'Retina' as the pixel density makes it impossible for the naked eye to distinguish between individual pixels and gives it a sharper look - twice the resolution of the iPad 2 models. The iPad 3 is said to have twice the memory of the last iPad with 128GB.
The next-generation device will also contain an A6 quad-core chip allowing it to run much faster than the A5 dual-core processor in the current version, and will be able to run on 4G networks.
4G is designed to offer at least 100 mega-bits per second (Mbps) of information to be transferred as opposed to 3G which can be as slow as 3.84 Mbps.
Several online technology news sites have said the launch date is set for March 7, and the Yerba Buena Center in San Francisco where Apple's late founder Steve Jobs unveiled the iPad 2 last March is free on the day.
Apple has not confirmed the rumours, but its stock leapt above the $500 mark on Monday.
Friday, February 17, 2012
Misusing Foreign Languages
I hate when people use another language and try to be cool.....
Te.Quiero F.k??? Really??? Low class!
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Elderly Saudi women work hard to make ends meet
Saudi Gazette - Elderly Saudi women work hard to make ends meet:
DAMMAM — The number of elderly Saudi women working in traditional markets is on the rise. However, this is not due to a shortage of male workers or an attempt to gain financial independence and social freedom. It is sheer poverty which drives these women, as working in traditional markets is one of the few means they have of making a living.
Some of these women at the traditional market here were approached by Al-Yaum Arabic daily to learn more about the nature of their work.
Fatima, who is 60 years old and has been working at the market for the past 15 years, said she does not like the job but has to do it to make a living for herself and her family. “I feel bored sitting here for seven to eight hours every day. The job is not demanding physically, but I spend a lot of my time away from my family.”
Fatima says she has to work as some of her five sons are dependent on her.
Another woman employee, Munirah, said she has been working in the traditional market for about 20 years now. She was 35 at the time of her husband’s death. After that her husband’s family abandoned her and her kids. She was then forced to search for a suitable job which led her to become a saleswoman.
“Some of my relatives did not like me taking this job, but I had to struggle to provide for my family. That’s why I have not quit working,” she said. When her children were young, Munirah says she used to prepare food for them and lock them at home while she went out to work. Despite being exhausted on her return she would not show it and pretended that she was strong for the sake of her children.
Another saleswoman, Umm Abdullah, 53, has been working in the Dammam market for over 12 years in order to help her family. She says "My husband is disabled and I have five kids. This job provides a living for us. I hope one day to have a house of my own where my family and I can live together."
Altogther there are 15 elderly Saudi saleswomen working at the traditional market in Dammam. However their work is made more difficult as the expatriate-run market does not have a public toilet for women.
This is for those people who think all Gulf arabs are rich and have oil wells in their backyards. In reality there are poor citizens in every GCC country, even Kuwait. Shocked?
DAMMAM — The number of elderly Saudi women working in traditional markets is on the rise. However, this is not due to a shortage of male workers or an attempt to gain financial independence and social freedom. It is sheer poverty which drives these women, as working in traditional markets is one of the few means they have of making a living.
Some of these women at the traditional market here were approached by Al-Yaum Arabic daily to learn more about the nature of their work.
Fatima, who is 60 years old and has been working at the market for the past 15 years, said she does not like the job but has to do it to make a living for herself and her family. “I feel bored sitting here for seven to eight hours every day. The job is not demanding physically, but I spend a lot of my time away from my family.”
Fatima says she has to work as some of her five sons are dependent on her.
Another woman employee, Munirah, said she has been working in the traditional market for about 20 years now. She was 35 at the time of her husband’s death. After that her husband’s family abandoned her and her kids. She was then forced to search for a suitable job which led her to become a saleswoman.
“Some of my relatives did not like me taking this job, but I had to struggle to provide for my family. That’s why I have not quit working,” she said. When her children were young, Munirah says she used to prepare food for them and lock them at home while she went out to work. Despite being exhausted on her return she would not show it and pretended that she was strong for the sake of her children.
Another saleswoman, Umm Abdullah, 53, has been working in the Dammam market for over 12 years in order to help her family. She says "My husband is disabled and I have five kids. This job provides a living for us. I hope one day to have a house of my own where my family and I can live together."
Altogther there are 15 elderly Saudi saleswomen working at the traditional market in Dammam. However their work is made more difficult as the expatriate-run market does not have a public toilet for women.
This is for those people who think all Gulf arabs are rich and have oil wells in their backyards. In reality there are poor citizens in every GCC country, even Kuwait. Shocked?
Crazy car auction in Jahra
I've always heard about the car auction in Jahra but never visited, (now I know why) but I decided to tag along with my husband who was trying to sell our car. After a long trip down towards Jahra he showed me the "exit" for the auction. After going to one on-ramp connected to another on-ramp we took a sharp right off the highway.
There was nothing in site. Was he messing with me? After a muddy, rocky terrain and huge holes we turned a corner and there it was.... the auction site. Talk about chaos! Hundreds of guys with hundreds of crappy cars. I always thought it would a good place to look at cars.... WRONG! There were massive amounts of people gathered everywhere yelling prices.
I did cover myself as best as I could but I was a walking freak show, guess they never saw an American chick at the auction? We got lost and couldn't find the car and it was getting dark which meant very soon everyone would leave at once and the road home is not so great.
I've been to many places in Kuwait and Inshallah I will visit them all but this is the worst place I've ever been. Totally uncomfotable feeling and I just wanted out of that place. It's something on my bucket list and it will be crossed off for good.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Kuwait's Kites
Monday, February 13, 2012
Operation Hope Yard Sale
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Kuwait Concours 2012
Friday, February 10, 2012
AWARE Center- Desert Camp
AWARE Center:
17 Feb 2012, 9:30 am
Bus transportation will be available for those who sign for it. Meet at AWARE Center at 9:15 am. Buses will start Departing at 9:30 am. Bus ticket 2 KD.
Every year during the winter, the desert beckons us to come and enjoy. This year, we journey south to the AWARE Arabian Desert camp for an all-day, outdoor experience including: • Camel Rides • ATV rides • Sporting Competitions • Hot Buffet Lunch • Arabian Cultural Displays Families & Children Welcome Members 10 KD; Non-Members 12 KD; Children 5 KD (5-10yrs)
Visit AWARE to purchase your tickets Surra, Block 3, Surra Street, Villa 84 – Telephone: 2-5335260/80 Fax: 2-5335230 email: info@aware.com.kw http://www.aware.com.kw
17 Feb 2012, 9:30 am
Bus transportation will be available for those who sign for it. Meet at AWARE Center at 9:15 am. Buses will start Departing at 9:30 am. Bus ticket 2 KD.
Every year during the winter, the desert beckons us to come and enjoy. This year, we journey south to the AWARE Arabian Desert camp for an all-day, outdoor experience including: • Camel Rides • ATV rides • Sporting Competitions • Hot Buffet Lunch • Arabian Cultural Displays Families & Children Welcome Members 10 KD; Non-Members 12 KD; Children 5 KD (5-10yrs)
Visit AWARE to purchase your tickets Surra, Block 3, Surra Street, Villa 84 – Telephone: 2-5335260/80 Fax: 2-5335230 email: info@aware.com.kw http://www.aware.com.kw
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Sadu House Workshop
Family fun workshop for children 8 years and older, mothers are welcome to join in.
Kuwaiti flag in Ragoum (a traditional bedouin weaving technique)
2 sessions lasting 3 hours each day
Saturday February 11th and 18th, 9:30 am-12:30 pm
Fee: 20 KD which includes all materials, equipment and light refreshments
For more info: info@alsadu.org.kw or call 99368147 for English and 22432395 for Arabic
Kuwaiti flag in Ragoum (a traditional bedouin weaving technique)
2 sessions lasting 3 hours each day

Fee: 20 KD which includes all materials, equipment and light refreshments
For more info: info@alsadu.org.kw or call 99368147 for English and 22432395 for Arabic
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
AWARE Center- Grand Mosque Tour
February 11, 2012 @ 9:15 am.
AWARE Center:
For a rewarding, spiritual and informative experience. This is a 1 ½ tour of one of Kuwait’s most famous landmarks Ladies are required to cover - long sleeves and long ankle length skirt, otherwise the mosque will provide a cloak. If you have your own scarf you’re welcome to bring it. Camera’s allowed. Children welcome. This tour meets directly at the Grand Mosque at 9.15am. Directions to the Grand Mosque. Take Gulf Street towards the Kuwait Towers. Pass the Towers with them on your right. Pass Souq Sharq with it on your right. Pass the Dickson House and Ministry of Planning with them on your left. By Seif Palace there is a large roundabout. Take the 2nd exit off the roundabout. The Grand Mosque is now on your left. At traffic lights turn left. Grand Mosque is on your left. To park go down to the roundabout and come back so Grand Mosque is on your right. Car Parking - If you are driving you can park at the mosque. The entrance is found by taking the side road between the Al-Babtain library and the Grand Mosque. Then you will see a barrier on your left. Tell the guard you are there for a tour and he will let you in, you follow the road round and can park in front of the mosque.
I still haven't been there yet. Inshallah one of these days.
AWARE Center:
For a rewarding, spiritual and informative experience. This is a 1 ½ tour of one of Kuwait’s most famous landmarks Ladies are required to cover - long sleeves and long ankle length skirt, otherwise the mosque will provide a cloak. If you have your own scarf you’re welcome to bring it. Camera’s allowed. Children welcome. This tour meets directly at the Grand Mosque at 9.15am. Directions to the Grand Mosque. Take Gulf Street towards the Kuwait Towers. Pass the Towers with them on your right. Pass Souq Sharq with it on your right. Pass the Dickson House and Ministry of Planning with them on your left. By Seif Palace there is a large roundabout. Take the 2nd exit off the roundabout. The Grand Mosque is now on your left. At traffic lights turn left. Grand Mosque is on your left. To park go down to the roundabout and come back so Grand Mosque is on your right. Car Parking - If you are driving you can park at the mosque. The entrance is found by taking the side road between the Al-Babtain library and the Grand Mosque. Then you will see a barrier on your left. Tell the guard you are there for a tour and he will let you in, you follow the road round and can park in front of the mosque.
I still haven't been there yet. Inshallah one of these days.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Operation Hope Family Yard Sale
Operation Hope invites you all to our Multi-Family Yard Sale!
Saturday, 4th Feb, 2012 between 8am-2 pm, we are hosting a Multi-Family Yard Sale at our OH premises located in Rumathiya, block 9, st 92, House 23.
So bring your family, friends and collegues and join us as it promises to be exciting!
For more information email us at hope@ohkuwait.org
Check out our new website and blog page on my link list.........
Hope to see you there!!!!!
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